“She will dance at her wedding”: Healing the girl born without part of her brain – Salon.com

Norman Doidge’s new book The Brain’s Way of Healing is now available. It has an entire chapter about Moshe Feldenkrais. Moshe was Anat’s teacher and the founder of the Feldenkrais Method. Doidge highlights some of Anat’s amazing work with children. I’m so happy that this book is going to help bring more awareness to this work. I haven’t read the entire book yet, but I love what I’ve read so far.

From the article at Salon:

“She will dance at her wedding”: Healing the girl born without part of her brain

The origin of Moshe Feldenkrais’ therapeutic method reads more like a spy thriller than a neuroscience textbook

via “She will dance at her wedding”: Healing the girl born without part of her brain – Salon.com.

Our Microbiome May Be Looking Out for Itself – NYTimes.com

…a team of scientists has raised a creepier possibility. Perhaps our menagerie of germs is also influencing our behavior in order to advance its own evolutionary success — giving us cravings for certain foods, for example.Maybe the microbiome is our puppet master.

via Our Microbiome May Be Looking Out for Itself – NYTimes.com.

As I’ve changed my eating, my cravings have been radically reduced. It’s still easy to follow the “dark path” to decadent delights, but I don’t have to live there constantly now. I have more control. Interesting to see what we’re discovering.

DST Change Increases Risk for Heart Attack

I knew Day Light Saving time was bad! Now there’s proof! I think we should just stick to one time ALL year. No one wants change, let’s limit change to something useful, like three different ways to get up from the floor or a chair. Maybe it’s time to start one of those Change.org petitions to stop the change. Do we have a Homeland Ministry of Time yet? or a Time Czar? Maybe it’s time!

A number of studies indicate that springing ahead to Daylight Saving Time DST may be hazardous to your health. Although the one-hour time change may seem minor, when it comes to your body’s internal clock, it actually is a big deal.

via DST Change Increases Your Risk for Heart Attack.

Home After a Stroke: Brain Plasticity Will Blow Your Mind

“New technology confirms that nerve cells can sprout new branches.  For example, Marshall describes cortical regeneration associated with finger-thumb opposition. … New growth is called a neurite until it differentiates into an axon or a dentrite.  Researchers are still learning which chemicals support or hinder the neurogenesis seen in the video.  However, only repeated training makes new dentrites cluster together so they work efficiently as a group.  I haven’t seen research that says how much repetition is needed to produce neuroplasticity.  I’m pretty sure that a few minutes of exercise followed by hours of disuse isn’t enough.”

via Home After a Stroke: Brain Plasticity Will Blow Your Mind.